Twilight Watch at the Meadows - Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

A pleasant evening for a walk. We began with many Laughing gulls swarming and circling eventually heading off to the south. A nice mix of shorebirds but the highlight was the opportunity for great looks at a perched Merlin.  Leaders: Warren Cairo, Patty Rourke, Bill Smythe, and Deb Payson.
45 species

Canada Goose  24
Mute Swan  5
American Wigeon  1
Mallard  20
Blue-winged Teal  5
Northern Pintail  1
Green-winged Teal  4
Double-crested Cormorant  6
Great Blue Heron  1
Great Egret  3
Snowy Egret  6
Little Blue Heron  1
Osprey  1
Northern Harrier  1
Sharp-shinned Hawk  1
American Oystercatcher  2
Semipalmated Plover  9
Killdeer  1
Lesser Yellowlegs  10
Least Sandpiper  12
White-rumped Sandpiper  2
Pectoral Sandpiper  2
Semipalmated Sandpiper  2
Wilson's Snipe  3
Laughing Gull  120
Ring-billed Gull  4
Herring Gull  8
Great Black-backed Gull  20
Common Tern  2
Forster's Tern  5
Royal Tern  2
Black Skimmer  75
Rock Pigeon  5
Mourning Dove  6
Ruby-throated Hummingbird  1
Merlin  2     Nice looks at a perched bird
Tree Swallow  6
Gray Catbird  1
European Starling  12
Common Yellowthroat  6
Palm Warbler  15
Savannah Sparrow  5
Northern Cardinal  1
Indigo Bunting  1
Red-winged Blackbird  4

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