Hidden Valley Bird Walk - Thursday, October 18th, 2012

A nice walk in calm and sunny conditions - not ideal for migration but we still enjoyed plenty of Pine Siskins, an adult Bald Eagle and a busy feeding party of Eastern Meadowlarks. Leaders: Mike Crewe and Chris Marks.
44 species

Wild Turkey  X
Double-crested Cormorant  120
Great Blue Heron  1
Turkey Vulture  6
Sharp-shinned Hawk  5
Cooper's Hawk  1
Bald Eagle  1
Broad-winged Hawk  1
Red-tailed Hawk  2
Herring Gull (American)  3
Mourning Dove  15
Red-bellied Woodpecker  4
Downy Woodpecker  3
Northern Flicker  8
American Kestrel  2
Eastern Phoebe  3
Blue Jay  10
American Crow  12
Fish Crow  1
Carolina Chickadee  1
Red-breasted Nuthatch  2
Brown Creeper  1
Carolina Wren  2
Golden-crowned Kinglet  6
American Robin  40
Gray Catbird  3
Northern Mockingbird  4
European Starling  20
Cedar Waxwing  9
Yellow-rumped Warbler  200
Field Sparrow  1
Savannah Sparrow  5
Song Sparrow  20
Swamp Sparrow  15
White-throated Sparrow  1
White-crowned Sparrow  1
Northern Cardinal  2
Red-winged Blackbird  5
Eastern Meadowlark  35
Common Grackle  1
Purple Finch  4
House Finch  10
Pine Siskin  40
American Goldfinch  120

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