Photo Walks with Mike Hannisian - Saturday, June 8th, 2013

This week's Saturday Photo Walk took place under mostly cloudy skies with the sun peeking through on occasion. To many this may not seem to be ideal photo conditions, but it really is very good for certain subjects such as the flowers and plants that are now quite conspicuous in Cape May Point State Park. The Hedge Bindweed and Large Blue Flag Iris were among these today. Also present in fair numbers were Eastern Kingbirds and Northern Rough-winged Swallows. The former often can be fairly easy to shoot, but the latter can be difficult although today one posed nicely for us. When the sun showed itself an Eastern Painted Turtle hauled out on a Muskrat mound to soak up the rays. The beach contained the usual summer suspects including an American Oystercatcher trying to out run our cameras.

American Oystercatcher [Photo by Mike Hannisian]

Eastern Kingbird [Photo by Mike Hannisian]

Eastern Painted Turtle [Photo by Mike Hannisian]

Hedge Bindweed [Photo by Mike Hannisian]

Large Blue Flag Iris [Photo by Mike Hannisian]

Northern Rough-winged Swallow [Photo by Mike Hannisian]