Birding Cape May Point - Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Nice morning for birding and we got the usual suspects for a late June day. Of note was a 1st year male Wood Duck on Bunker Pond and an adult Little Blue Heron passed by as we viewed the duck. Other birds of interest were perched and singing Blue Grosbeak, Orchard Oriole, and Indigo Bunting as well as Eastern Kingbirds. Other fly-bys included several Glossy Ibis, Osprey, and 2 Willets and a Least Sandpiper, probably the first of Fall Migration. The beach had Black Skimmers and American Oystercatchers. Leaders: Mike Crewe and Karl Lukens.
44 species

Canada Goose  75
Mute Swan  10
Wood Duck  1
Gadwall  2
Mallard  10
Little Blue Heron  1
Glossy Ibis  8
Osprey  3
Killdeer  2
American Oystercatcher  6
Willet  2
Least Sandpiper  1
Laughing Gull  25
Herring Gull  1
Great Black-backed Gull  10
Least Tern  10
Forster's Tern  15
Black Skimmer  8
Rock Pigeon  1
Mourning Dove  8
Chimney Swift  1
Eastern Kingbird  4
Fish Crow  8
Northern Rough-winged Swallow  3
Purple Martin  100
Tree Swallow  5
Barn Swallow  2
Carolina Chickadee  1
House Wren  1
Carolina Wren  1
American Robin  5
Northern Mockingbird  1
European Starling  10
Cedar Waxwing  4
Common Yellowthroat  4
Song Sparrow  5
Northern Cardinal  5
Blue Grosbeak  1
Indigo Bunting  2
Red-winged Blackbird  15
Common Grackle  8
Brown-headed Cowbird  5
Orchard Oriole  3
House Sparrow  5

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Indigo Bunting [Photo by Karl Lukens]