Villas WMA - Sunday, October 24 2010

Kathy and Roger Horn et. al. report:
Location:     Villas WMA
Observation date:     10/24/10
Notes:     Most of the birds seen at the Villas WMA this morning were busy feeding in  native plants that have re-populated the grounds of this former golf course. Sparrows were abundant, with lots of songs, along with white-crowned and white-throated,savannah, field, chipping and swamp. An orange-crowned warbler was feeding amidst the asters, both kinglet species were present in good voice, and a merlin perched long enough for everyone to get a scope view.
Mostly sunny, 60s, light breeze

Leaders: Kathy & Roger, Doug, Kaitlyn, Cindy & Shaun, Janet, MaryJane & Chuck
Number of species:     53
Snow Goose     5
Canada Goose     25
Wood Duck     8
Double-crested Cormorant     35
Great Blue Heron     2
Black Vulture     5
Turkey Vulture     5
Sharp-shinned Hawk     5
Cooper's Hawk     1
Broad-winged Hawk     1
Red-tailed Hawk     1
Merlin     1
Ring-billed Gull     2
Mourning Dove     17
Red-bellied Woodpecker     4
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker     1
Downy Woodpecker     3
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)     12
Eastern Phoebe     11
Blue Jay     125
American Crow     65
Carolina Chickadee     2
Tufted Titmouse     12
Red-breasted Nuthatch     4
White-breasted Nuthatch     3
Carolina Wren     3
Golden-crowned Kinglet     5
Ruby-crowned Kinglet     4
Eastern Bluebird     15
American Robin     150
Gray Catbird     1
Brown Thrasher     1
European Starling     15
Orange-crowned Warbler     1
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)     40
Palm Warbler     20
Eastern Towhee     3
Chipping Sparrow     55
Field Sparrow     1
Savannah Sparrow     3
Song Sparrow     70
Swamp Sparrow     15
White-throated Sparrow     30
White-crowned Sparrow     3
Dark-eyed Junco     6
Northern Cardinal     7
Red-winged Blackbird     75
Rusty Blackbird     3
Common Grackle     550
Purple Finch     2
House Finch     6
Pine Siskin     4
American Goldfinch     65