Location: South Cape May Meadows Observation date: 6/25/10
Number of species: 39
Notes: CMBO Trip-KL,C&MJS,KH,WC,+8.Clr,74,S5.
CMBO Evening Walk at "The Meadows" - TNC. The "parking lot Indigo Bunting" showed up on the wire to greet us at the start of the walk as it has for many weeks, but definitely not expected was the sight of a male Common Yellowthroat attending to three almost full-grown Brown-headed Cowbirds! Otherwise American Oystercatcher and Piping Plover chicks were nice to see on the beach. Finally in the woods far east of the east path we found a perched Great Horned Owl which provided good scope views.
Canada Goose 15
Mute Swan 6
Gadwall 4
Mallard 15
Black-crowned Night-Heron 2
Glossy Ibis 12
Osprey 3
Piping Plover 3
Killdeer 8
American Oystercatcher 9
Willet 6 one chick
Semipalmated Sandpiper 4
Least Sandpiper 1
Laughing Gull 30
Herring Gull 2
Lesser Black-backed Gull 2
Great Black-backed Gull 15
Least Tern 50
Common Tern 10
Forster's Tern 10
Black Skimmer 18
Mourning Dove 8
Great Horned Owl 1
Chimney Swift 2
Purple Martin 8
Barn Swallow 3
American Robin 2
Gray Catbird 1
Northern Mockingbird 1
European Starling 20
Cedar Waxwing 1
Common Yellowthroat 6
Northern Cardinal 2
Indigo Bunting 1
Red-winged Blackbird 15
Common Grackle 5
Brown-headed Cowbird 3
House Finch 1
House Sparrow 4
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