Sunset Birding at the Meadows - Friday, July 13th, 2012

Waders were scarce but we managed Green Heron and Black-crowned Night-Heron. There were numerous shorebirds including ~35 Killdeer, 1 Piping Plover, both Yellowlegs, and ~ 65 Short-billed Dowitchers. On the beach we had 5 Lesser Black-backed Gulls.  Leaders: Karl Lukens, Chuck Slugg, Kathy & Roger Horn, and Dave Lord.

44 species
Canada Goose  25
Mute Swan  10
Mallard  25
Green Heron  1
Black-crowned Night-Heron  2
Glossy Ibis  35
Osprey  1
Virginia Rail  2     /p juv
Piping Plover  1
Killdeer  35
American Oystercatcher  8
Spotted Sandpiper  1
Greater Yellowlegs  1
Willet  2
Lesser Yellowlegs  8
Least Sandpiper  25
Short-billed Dowitcher  65
Laughing Gull  75
Ring-billed Gull  2
Herring Gull  8
Lesser Black-backed Gull  5
Great Black-backed Gull  15
Least Tern  75
Common Tern  8
Forster's Tern  5
Royal Tern  2
Black Skimmer  10
Rock Pigeon  1
Mourning Dove  5
Chimney Swift  15
Eastern Kingbird  1
Purple Martin  10
Barn Swallow  1
American Robin  1
Gray Catbird  2
Northern Mockingbird  2
European Starling  10
Common Yellowthroat  8
Song Sparrow  2
Northern Cardinal  2
Red-winged Blackbird  10
Common Grackle  6
American Goldfinch  4
House Sparrow  10

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American Oystercatcher [Photo by Karl Lukens]
Virginia Rail [Photo by Karl Lukens]