Fall Migrants at the Rea Farm - Saturday, October 13th, 2018

There was a fabulous mix of species at the Beanery this morning, including a good variety of warblers and sparrows. Both kinglets are in. Red-breasted Nuthatches and Purple Finches, species we sometimes see very few of in the fall, are present in good numbers as predicted by Ron Pittaway in his annual report based on their northern feeding supply. The real highlight of the walk though was the Yellow-billed Cuckoos that kept flying across the fields; that was a rare treat! 

Leaders: Kathy Horn, Roger Horn, Chris Dewaghe, Gerry Dewaghe
61 species

Canada Goose  19
Wood Duck  1
Mallard  2
Mourning Dove  6
Yellow-billed Cuckoo  4
Herring Gull (American)  1
Great Black-backed Gull  1
Double-crested Cormorant  1
Turkey Vulture  2
Osprey (carolinensis)  1
Sharp-shinned Hawk  1
Cooper's Hawk  1
Red-tailed Hawk  1
Belted Kingfisher  1
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  4
Red-bellied Woodpecker  3
Downy Woodpecker (Eastern)  2
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)  15
American Kestrel  20
Merlin  2
Eastern Phoebe  14
Blue-headed Vireo  1
Red-eyed Vireo  1
Blue Jay  6
American Crow  6
Tree Swallow  2
Carolina Chickadee  2
Red-breasted Nuthatch  11
Brown Creeper  1
Carolina Wren  6
Golden-crowned Kinglet  4
Ruby-crowned Kinglet  1
Hermit Thrush  1
American Robin  8
Gray Catbird  7
Brown Thrasher  4
Northern Mockingbird  1
European Starling  5
Cedar Waxwing  35
Purple Finch  8
Chipping Sparrow  2
Field Sparrow  1
White-crowned Sparrow  2
White-throated Sparrow  2
Savannah Sparrow (Savannah)  5
Song Sparrow  7
Swamp Sparrow  6
Baltimore Oriole  1
Red-winged Blackbird (Red-winged)  40
Brown-headed Cowbird  10
Black-and-white Warbler  1
Common Yellowthroat  1
American Redstart  3
Cape May Warbler  2
Northern Parula  1
Blackpoll Warbler  3
Palm Warbler (Western)  13
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)  12
Black-throated Green Warbler  2
Northern Cardinal  4
Indigo Bunting  1

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