Highlights of the walk were: a good mix of terns including Common, Least, Forster's, and Royal; shorebirds coming in, including Stilt Sandpiper, and flyover Sanderlings in full breeding plumage; Belted Kingfisher flyover; and a Peregrine Falcon clutching what looked like a Least Tern in its talons. Leaders: Chuck Slugg, Chris Marks, & Karl Lukens.
44 species
Canada Goose 9
Mute Swan 17
Mallard 12
Great Blue Heron 1
Great Egret 7
Snowy Egret 3
Glossy Ibis 7
Osprey 3
American Oystercatcher 5
Stilt Sandpiper 1
Sanderling 13
Least Sandpiper 10
Semipalmated Sandpiper 6
Short-billed Dowitcher 9
Spotted Sandpiper 2
Lesser Yellowlegs 3
Laughing Gull 50
Great Black-backed Gull 25
Least Tern 35
Common Tern 35
Forster's Tern 25
Royal Tern 4
Black Skimmer 1 heard
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) 4
Mourning Dove 5
Chimney Swift 3
Belted Kingfisher 1
Peregrine Falcon 1
Blue Jay 1 heard
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 2
Purple Martin 50
Tree Swallow 25
Barn Swallow 4
Carolina Chickadee 2 heard
Carolina Wren 4 heard
American Robin 4
Northern Mockingbird 5
European Starling 6
Song Sparrow 3
Northern Cardinal 2 heard
Blue Grosbeak 1 heard
Red-winged Blackbird 14
American Goldfinch 7
House Sparrow 1
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