Karl Lukens et. al. report:
"First CMBO Winter Evening at the Meadows. Good ducks but short on passerines. Ended the walk with 6-8 Woodcock peenting and displaying at the parking lot. - Karl (Chuck, Mary Jane, David, Roger)"
Location: South Cape May Meadows
Observation date: 3/5/10
Notes: CMBO Trip-K,C&MJ,DL,RH,+7.PtlyCldy,42,W8.
Number of species: 23
Brant 1
Canada Goose 15
Mute Swan 15
American Wigeon 10
American Black Duck 2
Mallard 10
Northern Shoveler 2
Northern Pintail 8
Green-winged Teal 15
Black Scoter 20
Hooded Merganser 6
Great Blue Heron 1
Turkey Vulture 1
Bald Eagle 1 seen by Roger
Sharp-shinned Hawk 1
Sanderling 35
American Woodcock 8 end of walk. peenting, displaying.
Herring Gull 20
Mourning Dove 1
American Crow 1
Carolina Wren 1 heard
European Starling 5
Red-winged Blackbird 8