Birding by Kayak on Cape Island Creek - Sunday, September 28th, 2014

The water was like glass allowing close looks at the birds. We watched a Belted Kingfisher diving into the creek, successfully catching a fish and eating it within 50 feet of us. Overhead, we had Cooper's Hawks chasing a Sharp-shinned Hawk along with a Northern Harrier.
18 species

Canada Goose  8
Double-crested Cormorant  3
Great Blue Heron  1
Great Egret  2
Black Vulture  1
Turkey Vulture  2
Northern Harrier  1
Sharp-shinned Hawk  1
Cooper's Hawk  2
Clapper Rail  3     One seen clearly out on the bank.
Spotted Sandpiper  1
Greater Yellowlegs  2
Laughing Gull  8
Herring Gull  6
Forster's Tern  2
Belted Kingfisher  1
American Kestrel  1
Merlin  1

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