Birding Cape May Point - Wednesday, July 16th, 2014

A rainy morning but some shorebirds on the move with fly-over Whimbrel, Lesser Yellowlegs, and Short-billed Dowitcher. Otherwise good looks at gulls, terns, and waders. Three immature Lesser Black-backed Gulls were on the beach, as well as several American Oystercatchers. One Wilson's Storm-Petrel was seen offshore. Leaders: Mike Crewe, Karl Lukens, Chris Marks, and Mary Watkins.
43 species

Canada Goose  25
Mute Swan  25
Gadwall  12     1 & 11 young
Mallard  20
Surf Scoter  2
Black Scoter  1
Wilson's Storm-Petrel  1
Great Blue Heron  1
Great Egret  3
Snowy Egret  1
Black-crowned Night-Heron  1
Osprey  4
American Oystercatcher  4
Killdeer  2
Spotted Sandpiper  3
Lesser Yellowlegs  4
Whimbrel  5     fly-over
Least Sandpiper  30
Short-billed Dowitcher  1     fly-over
Laughing Gull  20
Herring Gull  1
Lesser Black-backed Gull  3
Great Black-backed Gull  5
Least Tern  1
Common Tern  15
Forster's Tern  10
Royal Tern  3
Black Skimmer  5
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)  5
Mourning Dove  2
Chimney Swift  1
Purple Martin  25
Barn Swallow  5
American Robin  2
Northern Mockingbird  1
European Starling  10
Common Yellowthroat  2     heard
Song Sparrow  4
Northern Cardinal  2
Red-winged Blackbird  8
Common Grackle  10
Brown-headed Cowbird  10
House Sparrow  5

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Lesser Black-backed Gull [Photo by Karl Lukens]