Higbee Beach Birding - Friday, August 16, 2019

Today was a day with fewer than average birds but greater than the usual number of butterflies and dragonflies - not a bad thing for a mid-August walk. A notable exception in the bird category was the number of migrating Bobolinks, whose call could sometimes be heard overhead. Some of the local breeders, such as Blue Grosbeak and Indigo Buntings, are still singing along the field edges and lingering Purple Martins still swirl overhead. 

Leaders: Kathy Horn, Chris Marks, Mary Watkins, Barb Bassett, Lynn Pollard, Dave Pollard
32 species

Mourning Dove  8
Yellow-billed Cuckoo  1
Ruby-throated Hummingbird  3
Ruddy Turnstone  3
Semipalmated Sandpiper  2
Laughing Gull  12
Herring Gull (American)  2
Common Tern  2
Forster's Tern  7
Turkey Vulture  1
Osprey (carolinensis)  4
Downy Woodpecker (Eastern)  1
Eastern Kingbird  1
Carolina Chickadee  1
Purple Martin  9
Tree Swallow  3
Barn Swallow (American)  2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  2
Carolina Wren (Northern)  8
European Starling  5
Gray Catbird  1
Cedar Waxwing  1
American Goldfinch  3
Bobolink  22
Red-winged Blackbird (Red-winged)  45
Brown-headed Cowbird  5
Common Grackle  10
Common Yellowthroat (trichas Group)  3
Yellow Warbler (Northern)  1
Northern Cardinal  6
Blue Grosbeak  1
Indigo Bunting  6

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Question Mark butterfly photo by Kathy Horn