Birds of Nummy Island – Wednesday, May 8, 2019

35 species

Brant  300
Mallard  3
Mourning Dove  3
Clapper Rail  10     Conservative Estimate. 4 clappers visible and put on a show for the group
American Oystercatcher  20
Black-bellied Plover  4
Semipalmated Plover  20     On a mud flat near the free bridge along with many shorebird species.
Whimbrel  6
Ruddy Turnstone  2
Red Knot  10
Dunlin  100
Semipalmated Sandpiper  20     Estimate.
Short-billed Dowitcher  100     Estimate
Willet (Eastern)  10     Gail said they were eastern.
Lesser Yellowlegs  4
Laughing Gull  50     Estimate
Herring Gull  6
Great Black-backed Gull  10
Forster's Tern  10
Black Skimmer  6
Double-crested Cormorant  20
Great Egret  6
Snowy Egret  6
Little Blue Heron  1
Tricolored Heron  1
Green Heron  1     Observed by Shawn
Osprey  6
Fish Crow  8
Barn Swallow  6
Gray Catbird  3
Northern Mockingbird  4
Song Sparrow  1
Red-winged Blackbird  20
Common Grackle  10
Boat-tailed Grackle  18

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