Birding the Meadows - Monday, October 16th, 2017

Moved from Meadows because of Rain. Good movement of Royal Terns plus one Caspian Tern as well as a few Scoters, 2 Northern Gannets, and gulls. Leaders: Pete Dunne, Chuck Slugg, Karl Lukens, Janet Crawford, Pat Perkins, & Mary Watkins.
15 species

Canada Goose  10
Mallard  2
Surf Scoter  2
Black Scoter  8
Northern Gannet  2
Double-crested Cormorant  10
Osprey  1
Laughing Gull  7
Ring-billed Gull  2
Herring Gull  8
Great Black-backed Gull  10
Caspian Tern  1
Royal Tern  15
American Kestrel  1
Palm Warbler  1

Group then moved to the Hawkwatch platform. Fair movement of Merlin, Kestrel, Sharp-shinned and Cooper's Hawks. Lots of Yellow-rumped Warblers. Spectacular show of Great Blue Herons, both on the ground and overhead.
34 species

Canada Goose  25
Mute Swan  7
Blue-winged Teal  7
Northern Shoveler  5
Mallard  10
Common Loon  4
Pied-billed Grebe  2
Double-crested Cormorant  12
Great Blue Heron  160
Great Egret  1
Snowy Egret  1
Black Vulture  1
Osprey  2
Northern Harrier  3
Sharp-shinned Hawk  10
Cooper's Hawk  2
Killdeer  3
Greater Yellowlegs  2
Laughing Gull  1
Herring Gull  10
Great Black-backed Gull  100
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)  12
Mourning Dove  1
Belted Kingfisher  3
American Kestrel  8
Merlin  7
American Crow  3
Tree Swallow  3
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  1
Northern Mockingbird  4
European Starling  18
Yellow-rumped Warbler  35
Red-winged Blackbird  7
House Sparrow  10

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