Sundays at Northwood - Sunday, February 12th, 2017
Since it was over cast and rain possibly to come later in the walk, we ventured out into town first by birding along Lake Lily, through the Point, and down to the ocean. A variety of ducks were seen on the lake and in the ocean including Mallards, American Wigeon, Ring-necked Ducks, and Black and Surf Scoters. Songbirds seen and heard along the way included Cedar Waxwings, Purple Finch, Yellow-rumped Warblers, and hundreds of American Robins. Back behind the Northwood Center, we had good views of White-breasted Nuthatch, Fox and White-throated Sparrows among others. Much time was spent discussing bird-friendly backyard habitat. Leaders: Catherine Busch and Bert Hixon.