Birds of Belleplain - Thursday, April 16th, 2015

Leaders: Bert Hixon, Shaun Bamford, and Karl Lukens.
37 species

Canada Goose  3
American Black Duck  3
Mallard  2
Ring-necked Duck  2
Wild Turkey  17
Common Loon  3
Black Vulture  5
Turkey Vulture  3
Red-tailed Hawk  2
Greater Yellowlegs  5
Laughing Gull  2
Herring Gull  25
Mourning Dove  3
Red-bellied Woodpecker  2
Downy Woodpecker  1
Northern Flicker  2
Blue Jay  6
American Crow  2
Fish Crow  2
Tree Swallow  10
Barn Swallow  2
Tufted Titmouse  1
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  7
American Robin  3
Brown Thrasher  1
Northern Mockingbird  5
European Starling  2
Ovenbird  1     heard
Louisiana Waterthrush  1     heard
Pine Warbler  3
Yellow-throated Warbler  6
Chipping Sparrow  5
Savannah Sparrow  4
Northern Cardinal  5
Common Grackle  8
Brown-headed Cowbird  8
American Goldfinch  5

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Wild Turkey [Photo by Karl Lukens]