Birding the Meadows with Pete Dunne - Monday, April 6th, 2015

A beautiful, sunny spring morning yielded a good variety of birds for our walk. Highlights include: lingering and breeding ducks such as Gadwall, Mallards, Green-winged Teal, Northern Shovelers, Bufflehead, and Ring-necked Ducks; both Surf and Black Scoters were seen offshore; many Northern Gannets flying over ocean; raptors such as Bald Eagles, numerous Osprey, and Northern Harriers; and a Wilson's Snipe to end our walk. Leaders: Pete Dunne, Chuck Slugg, Steve Weis, and Shaun Bamford.
51 species

Canada Goose  25
Mute Swan  5
Tundra Swan  1     Cape May Meadows, vernal scrape toward beach on western trail
Gadwall  10
Mallard  12
Northern Shoveler  16
Green-winged Teal  24
Ring-necked Duck  8
Surf Scoter  15
Black Scoter  3
Bufflehead  2
Common Loon  1
Pied-billed Grebe  1
Horned Grebe  3
Northern Gannet  30
Double-crested Cormorant  28
Egret  5
Turkey Vulture  2
Osprey  8
Northern Harrier  2
Bald Eagle 2
American Coot  8
American Oystercatcher  4
Killdeer  2     heard only
Wilson's Snipe  1
Bonaparte's Gull  4
Laughing Gull  6
Herring Gull  5
Great Black-backed Gull  7
Forster's Tern  5
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)  3
Mourning Dove  4
Northern Flicker  4
American Crow  1
Fish Crow  7
Tree Swallow  7
Barn Swallow  1
Carolina Chickadee  2
Carolina Wren  1     heard only
American Robin  3
European Starling  5
Pine Warbler  1
Yellow-rumped Warbler  2
Field Sparrow  2
Savannah Sparrow  2
Song Sparrow  3
Northern Cardinal  4
Red-winged Blackbird  16
Common Grackle  7
House Finch  2    heard only
House Sparrow  3

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