A Meadows Afternoon - Friday, September 6, 2019

Leaders: Dave Pollard and Eileen Mathers
40 species

Canada Goose  28
Mute Swan  6
Blue-winged Teal  2
Mallard  87
American Black Duck  2
Green-winged Teal  2
Mourning Dove  12
Chimney Swift  6
Ruby-throated Hummingbird  2
American Oystercatcher  4 - On Beach
Semipalmated Plover  4
Killdeer  2
Stilt Sandpiper  1 -  Feeding with "peeps". A shorebird that was feeding like a Dowitcher, but was a bit smaller, more slender, and had longer legs. With the longer legs the bird's back side was tipped upwards at about a 65 degree angle from the water. The birds had long yellow green legs, long drooping bill. Breast plumage was lightly streaked with light brown and gradually transitioned to cream/whitish feathers on the belly.
Least Sandpiper  15 - Approximate count. Extrapolated the number of birds by a 1:2 Ratio of Least :          Semipalmated of a nearby flock.
Pectoral Sandpiper  5
Semipalmated Sandpiper  30
Red-necked Phalarope  1 - RARITY: Juvenile molting into basic/winter plumage. A delicate shorebird that is quick moving and floats high in the water. This bird had a dark needle like bill, its head was white with black eye/ear-patch, its back was a mixture of black, gray and white feathering and the birds flanks where white. Most likely a bird blown in from Hurricane Dorian.
Greater Yellowlegs  1
Lesser Yellowlegs  4
Laughing Gull  30 - Approximate
Ring-billed Gull  1
Great Black-backed Gull  40 - Approximate
Common Tern  12
Forster's Tern  10
Royal Tern  4
Black Skimmer  7 - Most birds in center pool.
Double-crested Cormorant  1
Great Blue Heron  1
Great Egret  1
Snowy Egret  10
Osprey  4
Sharp-shinned Hawk  1
Merlin  3
Tree Swallow  500 - A conservative estimate. One huge flock closer to Cape May City.
Gray Catbird  2
Northern Mockingbird  2
Bobolink  45
Red-winged Blackbird  2
Prairie Warbler  1
Northern Cardinal  2

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