Bayshore Birds - Sunday, March 19th, 2017

Spring was in the air and so were the Bald Eagles and Northern Harriers.  After exciting views of the raptors, we moved to the upland area of Jake’s Landing to witness the nuptial flight of the American Woodcock. Leaders:  Chris Marks, Bert Hixon, BJ Pinnock, & Mary Watkins.
22 species

Snow Goose  1500     not unusual
Canada Goose  8
Gadwall  12
American Black Duck  18
Mallard (Northern)  6
Northern Pintail  6
Green-winged Teal  85
Hooded Merganser  4
Ruddy Duck (Ruddy)  2
Great Cormorant  2
Great Blue Heron (Blue form)  1
Turkey Vulture  4
Northern Harrier  5
Bald Eagle  8     careful count  multiple pairs with one observed on nest
Red-tailed Hawk  3
Killdeer  2
Dunlin  38
Greater Yellowlegs  4
Ring-billed Gull  3
Herring Gull  8
American Robin  18
Red-winged Blackbird (Red-winged)  26

Jake's Landing--forest/upland, Cape May, New Jersey, US

American Woodcock  4
Great Horned Owl  1
American Robin  35
Brown Thrasher  1
White-throated Sparrow  12
Northern Cardinal  2
Red-winged Blackbird (Red-winged)  12

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