A lovely, warm summer day in the park gave us the opportunity to watch multiple Osprey hunting for food. Osprey are unable to dive to more than about three feet below the water's surface, Ospreys gravitate toward shallow fishing grounds, frequenting deep water only where fish school near the surface. The average time they spend hunting before making a catch is about 12 minutes. Leaders: Chris Marks, Karl Lukens, & Shaun Bamford.
37 species
Canada Goose 93
Mute Swan 57
Mallard 8
Great Blue Heron 1
Great Egret 1
Glossy Ibis 5
Turkey Vulture 2
Osprey 4
American Oystercatcher 5
Killdeer 2
Laughing Gull 8
Great Black-backed Gull 24
Common Tern 1
Forster's Tern 5
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) 3
Mourning Dove 4
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1
Eastern Kingbird 1
Purple Martin 36
Tree Swallow 4
Barn Swallow 2
Carolina Chickadee 3
House Wren 1
Carolina Wren 3
American Robin 10
Northern Mockingbird 1
European Starling 8
Cedar Waxwing 2
Common Yellowthroat 4
Yellow-breasted Chat 1 Heard by leader
Song Sparrow 2
Northern Cardinal 3
Indigo Bunting 2
Red-winged Blackbird 12
Common Grackle 6
Brown-headed Cowbird 4
House Finch 5
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