In the parking lot, there was a large number of Laughing Gulls in a variety of plumages with just a few Purple Martin stragglers. Tree Swallows were massing in the air with a huge number loafing on the beach towards St. Mary's. On the beach, there was a mix of gull species and four species of terns: Least, Forster's, Common, and Royal. We also saw a Northern Mockingbird and Gray Catbird, two of our three mimids. On Bunker Pond, there was the usual plethora of non-native Mute Swans with one presumed escapee Black Swan continuing in the mix. A group of Double-crested Cormorants and a Green Heron flew over. A Blue Grosbeak sat on top of the dune, and we encountered a second singing in the park. At the second crossover, we had better looks at the Royal Terns and a group of American Oystercatchers with one juvenile. Leaders: Chuck Slugg and Chris Marks.
46 species
Canada Goose 70
Mute Swan 48
Mallard 30
Wild Turkey 3
Double-crested Cormorant 17
Great Egret 2
Green Heron 1
Turkey Vulture 2
Osprey 5
American Oystercatcher 5
Killdeer 2 heard
Greater Yellowlegs 1 heard
Least Sandpiper 11
Short-billed Dowitcher 8
Laughing Gull 60
Ring-billed Gull 2
Herring Gull 5
Great Black-backed Gull 15
Least Tern 10
Common Tern 12
Forster's Tern 16
Royal Tern 11
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) 3
Mourning Dove 6
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 2
Northern Flicker 2 heard
Eastern Kingbird 3
American Crow 1 heard
Fish Crow 6
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 1
Purple Martin 3
Tree Swallow 150
Barn Swallow 6
Carolina Chickadee 3 heard
Carolina Wren 3 heard
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1 heard
American Robin 7
Gray Catbird 2
Northern Mockingbird 3
European Starling 7
Song Sparrow 3
Northern Cardinal 3
Blue Grosbeak 2
Red-winged Blackbird 10
Common Grackle 1
House Sparrow 5
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