South Cape May Meadows - Monday June 27th 2011

Cape Island--CMMBS (Cape May Migratory Bird Sanctuary (Meadows)), Cape May,
Jun 27, 2011 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Comments: Cloudy, calm, low 70s. Highlights include a pair of Surf Scoters, breeding beach nesters (Piping Plover, American Oystercatchers and Least Terns) with chicks, returning migrants (Willet, Lesser Yellowlegs) and Black Skimmers on the beach.
51 species

Canada Goose 40
Mute Swan 2
Gadwall 4
Mallard 30
Surf Scoter 2
Double-crested Cormorant 1
Great Blue Heron 2
Great Egret 1
Snowy Egret 3
Green Heron 2
Black-crowned Night-Heron 1
Glossy Ibis 6
Osprey 4
Piping Plover 4
Killdeer 12
American Oystercatcher 7
Willet 1
Lesser Yellowlegs 1
Laughing Gull 50
Herring Gull 10
Lesser Black-backed Gull 3
Great Black-backed Gull 20
Least Tern 150
Forster's Tern 3
Royal Tern 2
Black Skimmer 15
Rock Pigeon 3
Mourning Dove 3
Chimney Swift 8
Northern Flicker 1
Eastern Kingbird 2
American Crow 10
Fish Crow 24
Purple Martin 10
Tree Swallow 3
Barn Swallow 4
Carolina Chickadee 1
Carolina Wren 1 heard only
American Robin 2
Northern Mockingbird 2
European Starling 75
Cedar Waxwing 15
Common Yellowthroat 6 heard only
Northern Cardinal 2
Indigo Bunting 1
Red-winged Blackbird 30
Common Grackle 6
Brown-headed Cowbird 2
Orchard Oriole 1
American Goldfinch 1
House Sparrow 4
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Photo Walk - Saturday June 25th 2011

The weather again cooperated, as did the birds and old reliable itself: The Lighthouse. The usual beach birds were present. This included a very active Least Tern as well as American Oystercatcher and Piping Plover chicks. My, how they have grown! We have been able to follow them for the past month on these Saturday Photo Walks, and they have grown noticeably each week. Today, the American Oystercatcher chicks were almost the size of their parents, and the Piping Plover chick we saw was full grown. It will be interesting to see what next week brings!

Mike Hannisian


The Beanery - Saturday June 25th 2011

The Beanery, Cape May, US-NJ
Jun 25, 2011 7:30 AM - 10:00 AM
We had multiple looks at the two "Blue" breeding birds at the Beanery, i.e. Blue Grosbeak and Indigo Bunting. Several brief looks at Green Herons and good scope view of Black-crowned Night Heron.
42 species

Mallard 25
Snowy Egret 10
Green Heron 4
Black-crowned Night-Heron 2
Glossy Ibis 10
Black Vulture 2
Turkey Vulture 5
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Killdeer 2
Laughing Gull 15
Forster's Tern 5
Rock Pigeon 4
Mourning Dove 4
Chimney Swift 4
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1 heard
Downy Woodpecker 1
Eastern Kingbird 3
Blue Jay 1
American Crow 2
Fish Crow 5
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 3
Tree Swallow 1
Barn Swallow 5
Carolina Chickadee 5
Tufted Titmouse 1 heard
Carolina Wren 4
American Robin 5
Gray Catbird 1
Northern Mockingbird 3
European Starling 50
Cedar Waxwing 8
Common Yellowthroat 2 heard
Northern Cardinal 6
Blue Grosbeak 4
Indigo Bunting 4
Red-winged Blackbird 10
Common Grackle 10
Brown-headed Cowbird 5
House Finch 5
American Goldfinch 2
House Sparrow 10

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Male Blue Grosbeak at The Beanery [photo by Mike Crewe].

Sunset Birding at South Cape May Meadows - Friday June 24th 2011

South Cape May Meadows, Cape May, US-NJ
Jun 24, 2011 6:30 PM - 8:15 PM
Good waders, gulls and terns. An interesting Charadrius plover with a wide neck band made us think
of other possibilities...
38 species

Canada Goose 10
Mute Swan 8
Gadwall 12 nine ducklings
Mallard 75
Great Blue Heron 1
Great Egret 2
Snowy Egret 10
Glossy Ibis 15
Osprey 2
Semipalmated Plover 1
Piping Plover 5
Killdeer 8
American Oystercatcher 5
Laughing Gull 20
Herring Gull 10
Lesser Black-backed Gull 4
Great Black-backed Gull 30
Least Tern 50 at least 1 chick
Common Tern 6
Forster's Tern 25
Black Skimmer 4
Mourning Dove 5
Chimney Swift 1
Eastern Kingbird 1
Fish Crow 10
Purple Martin 3
Tree Swallow 1
Barn Swallow 1
Northern Mockingbird 2
European Starling 100
Cedar Waxwing 1
Common Yellowthroat 2
Northern Cardinal 2
Indigo Bunting 1
Red-winged Blackbird 10
Common Grackle 4
House Finch 2
House Sparrow 5

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One of at least six Lesser Black-backed Gulls currently hanging out along Cape May's South Beach [photo by Karl Lukens].

Well, it is a sunset walk...!

Bird Walk for All People - Thursday June 23rd 2011

Sometimes I don't do a species list for this walk, as it's intended to be a slower-paced walk, spending time learning about bird identification and birds in general. But we had such a nice run of birds today that I thought a full list would be of interest! The beach remains busy with breeding activity and the female Gadwall still has a full complement of youngsters.

Cape May Point SP, Cape May, US-NJ
Jun 23, 2011 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM

49 species
Canada Goose 100
Mute Swan 20
Gadwall 15 Includes 9 ducklings
Mallard 10
Great Blue Heron 1
Great Egret 1
Green Heron 1
Glossy Ibis 4
Turkey Vulture 1
Purple Gallinule 1 Still present!
Piping Plover 2
Killdeer 2
American Oystercatcher 5
Laughing Gull 25
Herring Gull 3
Great Black-backed Gull 6
Least Tern 20
Forster's Tern 5
Rock Pigeon 4
Mourning Dove 2
Chimney Swift 6
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1
Downy Woodpecker 1
Northern Flicker 4
Great Crested Flycatcher 2
Eastern Kingbird 2
Fish Crow 6
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 1
Purple Martin 50
Tree Swallow 5
Barn Swallow 2
Carolina Chickadee 2
Carolina Wren 3
American Robin 10
Gray Catbird 1
Northern Mockingbird 2
European Starling 30
Cedar Waxwing 2
Common Yellowthroat 3
Song Sparrow 2
Northern Cardinal 4
Blue Grosbeak 1
Indigo Bunting 2
Red-winged Blackbird 10
Common Grackle 10
Brown-headed Cowbird 2
House Finch 4
American Goldfinch 4
House Sparrow 2

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Cape May Point State Park - Wednesday June 22nd 2011

A nice summery walk in something of a stiff breeze. Lots of Bottlenose Dolphins offshore, the one remaining American Oystercatcher continues to grow well and the Purple Gallinule is back on the first pond behind the plover ponds.

Cape May Point SP, Cape May, US-NJ
Jun 22, 2011 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM

41 species
Canada Goose 140
Mute Swan 20
Gadwall 14 Includes 9 ducklings
Mallard 8
Wilson's Storm-Petrel 2
Great Egret 1
Snowy Egret 1
Glossy Ibis 8
Turkey Vulture 2
Osprey 1
Purple Gallinule 1
Piping Plover 3
Killdeer 3
American Oystercatcher 7
Laughing Gull 20
Herring Gull 5
Great Black-backed Gull 5
Least Tern 45
Forster's Tern 10
Rock Pigeon 8
Eastern Kingbird 2
Fish Crow 4
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 2
Purple Martin 50
Tree Swallow 6
Barn Swallow 2
Carolina Chickadee 1
Carolina Wren 1
American Robin 1
Northern Mockingbird 2
European Starling 120
Cedar Waxwing 2
Common Yellowthroat 2
Song Sparrow 2
Northern Cardinal 2
Indigo Bunting 1
Red-winged Blackbird 15
Common Grackle 10
Brown-headed Cowbird 4
House Finch 2
House Sparrow 4

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South Cape May Meadows - Monday June 20th 2011

South Cape May Meadows, Cape May, US-NJ
Jun 20, 2011 7:30 AM - 9:15 AM
A group of 21 people birded "The Meadows" in a light rain. Semipalmated Plover and several Willets may have been early fall migrants? Piping Plover and American Oystercatchers with chicks were on the beach, as were two Lesser black-backed Gulls.
39 species

Canada Goose 50
Mute Swan 8
Gadwall 8
Mallard 35
Surf Scoter 5
Great Egret 1
Snowy Egret 2
Green Heron 1
Glossy Ibis 10
Osprey 2
Semipalmated Plover 1
Piping Plover 2
Killdeer 4
American Oystercatcher 8
Willet 3
Laughing Gull 15
Herring Gull 5
Lesser Black-backed Gull 2
Great Black-backed Gull 25
Least Tern 50
Forster's Tern 8
Black Skimmer 3
Mourning Dove 3
Chimney Swift 5
Eastern Kingbird 1 heard
Fish Crow 10
Purple Martin 2
Tree Swallow 1
Barn Swallow 5
Northern Mockingbird 1
European Starling 15
Common Yellowthroat 3
Northern Cardinal 1
Red-winged Blackbird 10
Common Grackle 6
Boat-tailed Grackle 1
Brown-headed Cowbird 4
House Finch 2
House Sparrow 5

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Photo Walk - Saturday June 18th 2011

Despite seeing and shooting two of the local rarities (Eurasian Collared Dove and Purple Gallinule), the real action on this week's Saturday Photo Walk was elsewhere. The beach yielded the ever growing American Oystercatcher chicks which demonstrated that careful approaches (i.e.: not too close, not too fast, and not directly towards the subject) can yield nice results, especially with long lenses. Also on the beach were two of the biggest Ghost Crabs I have seen here in the daylight. (My experience is that the larger ones tend to come out at night.) On the way out to the beach, there were a number of growing Canada Geese which, given a careful approach, allowed us to get nice closeup shots. The same was true of a few adult Fish Crows which exhibited the worn plumage typical of them at this time of year.  Another interesting subject for us was a Muskrat who decided to dine rather close and directly in front of us. All in all, it was another good day at the Point.

Mike Hannisian

The Beanery - Saturday June 18th 2011

The Beanery, Cape May, US-NJ Jun 18, 2011 7:30 AM - 10:10 AM
Had good looks at several of the common breeders, i.e., Indigo Bunting, Blue Grosbeak, Great Crested
Flycatcher, Common Yellowthroat and Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Scope views of a Green Heron were also nice.
40 species

Canada Goose 1
Mute Swan 5
Wood Duck 1
Mallard 4
Great Egret 1
Green Heron 3
Black-crowned Night-Heron 5
Glossy Ibis 4
Turkey Vulture 1
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Killdeer 1 heard
Laughing Gull 10
Herring Gull 1
Forster's Tern 1
Rock Pigeon 3
Mourning Dove 5
Yellow-billed Cuckoo 2
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1 heard
Downy Woodpecker 2
Eastern Kingbird 1
American Crow 2
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 2
Purple Martin 2
Barn Swallow 5
Carolina Chickadee 4
Tufted Titmouse 1 heard
American Robin 3
Northern Mockingbird 1
European Starling 20
Cedar Waxwing 1 heard
Common Yellowthroat 3
Northern Cardinal 5
Blue Grosbeak 2 female, young male
Indigo Bunting 5
Red-winged Blackbird 10
Common Grackle 4
Brown-headed Cowbird 1
House Finch 8
House Sparrow 3

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Bird Walk For All People - Thursday June 16th 2011

Sunny weather with a cooling breeze gave us perfect conditions for a stroll at the state park this morning - in fact so good that we got less than half way before it was time to turn back. But we still saw good birds and found much to discuss. Loafing first-summer gulls and terns gave us a great opportunity to learn about different plumages in relation to the age of the bird and why that might occur. Piping Plover chicks on the beach are getting pretty well feathered now and the Gadwall still has nine youngsters to keep an eye on. A fly-over Great Blue Heron was a surprise and we rounded off with great looks at the Purple Gallinule.

Cape May Point State Park - Wednesday June 15th 2011

A nice walk that provided continuing wandering Glossy Ibises overhead, a female Gadwall with 9 ducklings and nice views of the Purple Gallinule that continues to show on and off.

Cape May Point SP, Cape May, US-NJ
Jun 15, 2011 7:30 AM - 10:00 AM
45 species

Canada Goose 85
Mute Swan 12
Gadwall 13 Includes 9 ducklings
Mallard 6
Double-crested Cormorant 1
Great Egret 3
Snowy Egret 1
Glossy Ibis 10
Turkey Vulture 2
Osprey 3
Purple Gallinule 1 Well watched and photographed by multiple observes since June 11th
Killdeer 3
Laughing Gull 30
Herring Gull 2
Great Black-backed Gull 10
Least Tern 30
Forster's Tern 140
Rock Pigeon 3
Mourning Dove 6
Great Crested Flycatcher 2
Eastern Kingbird 6
Blue Jay 1
Fish Crow 10
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 4
Purple Martin 60
Tree Swallow 6
Carolina Wren 3
House Wren 1
American Robin 10
Gray Catbird 2
Northern Mockingbird 2
European Starling 2
Cedar Waxwing 10
Pine Warbler 1
Common Yellowthroat 2
Yellow-breasted Chat 1
Song Sparrow 2
Northern Cardinal 4
Indigo Bunting 2
Red-winged Blackbird 20
Common Grackle 10
Brown-headed Cowbird 10
Orchard Oriole 2
House Finch 6
House Sparrow 4

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South Cape May Meadows - Monday June 13th 2011

Location: South Cape May Meadows
Observation date: 6/13/11
Notes: CMBO Birding the Meadows. PtlySun,70°,NW7. Some waders and a few shorebirds in the meadows with Piping Plover and American Oystercatcher on the beach with chicks. Several Wilson's
Storm-petrels were observable with binoculars. Highlight was a Wood Stork soaring overhead at the end of the walk at the Car Park.
Number of species: 54

Canada Goose 50
Mute Swan 10
Gadwall 4
Mallard 30
Surf Scoter 2
Wilson's Storm-Petrel 4
Wood Stork 1 end of walk overhead at car park
Double-crested Cormorant 3
Great Egret 4
Snowy Egret 2
Green Heron 1
Black-crowned Night-Heron 1
Glossy Ibis 15
Black Vulture 3
Turkey Vulture 10
Osprey 2
Mississippi Kite 1 after walk
Semipalmated Plover 1
Piping Plover 6
Killdeer 5
American Oystercatcher 6
Semipalmated Sandpiper 2
White-rumped Sandpiper 1
Short-billed Dowitcher 3
Laughing Gull 30
Herring Gull 2
Lesser Black-backed Gull 1
Great Black-backed Gull 25
Least Tern 100 some on eggs
Common Tern 10
Forster's Tern 30
Black Skimmer 2
Rock Pigeon 1
Mourning Dove 8
Chimney Swift 2
Eastern Kingbird 2 on nest
Fish Crow 10
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 2
Purple Martin 5
Tree Swallow 1
Barn Swallow 5
American Robin 2
Gray Catbird 1
Northern Mockingbird 1
European Starling 4
Common Yellowthroat 4 heard
Song Sparrow 3
Northern Cardinal 2
Red-winged Blackbird 10
Common Grackle 10
Brown-headed Cowbird 4
House Finch 1
American Goldfinch 2
House Sparrow 5

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A Wood Stork has been wandering our area of late and made it onto the list for the Monday morning walk at the meadows!

So cute we just can't stop photographing them - Piping Plover on South Cape May beach.

This Eastern Kingbird chose a nice White Mulberry to nest in - no need to get out of bed to get breakfast!

Photo Walk - Saturday June 10th 2011

This week's Saturday Photo Walk was greeted with a heavy overcast that quickly turned into a heavy rain. As a result, we regrouped under a shelter where we were able to work on shooting some plants as well as a Gray Catbird that was apparently planning on a family meal of frogs legs.

Mike Hannisian

Photos from Mike Hannisian's Saturday photo walk. The Musk Thistle (Carduus nutans) in the top photo potentially represents the first official record of this species in Cape May County as far as I can tell. Unbeknown to Mike, I was photographing the same species the same day just a few miles away at the Coastguards Unit!!!

South Cape May Meadows - Friday June 10th 2011

Location: South Cape May Meadows
Observation date: 6/10/11
Notes: CMBO Sunset Birding at the Meadows. Clear,70,Calm. Good shorebirds including Red Knots, Short-billed Dowitcher, Semipalmated Sandpiper, Semipalmated Plover, Killdeer and White-rumped Sandpiper. American Oystercatchers with two chicks on the beach. Many terns in various plumages, but no Black or Roseate this evening.
Number of species: 45

Canada Goose 12
Mute Swan 10
Gadwall 6
Mallard 20
Great Egret 8
Snowy Egret 7
Green Heron 1
Glossy Ibis 3
Turkey Vulture 1
Osprey 2
Black-bellied Plover 3
Semipalmated Plover 2
Piping Plover 2
Killdeer 6
American Oystercatcher 6
Ruddy Turnstone 4
Red Knot 6
Semipalmated Sandpiper 5
White-rumped Sandpiper 5
Short-billed Dowitcher 2
Laughing Gull 30
Herring Gull 5
Lesser Black-backed Gull 1
Great Black-backed Gull 25
Least Tern 100
Common Tern 15
Forster's Tern 80
Black Skimmer 2
Rock Pigeon 1
Mourning Dove 5
Eastern Kingbird 1
Fish Crow 12
Purple Martin 2
Barn Swallow 5
American Robin 4
Gray Catbird 1
Northern Mockingbird 3
European Starling 5
Common Yellowthroat 4
Northern Cardinal 1
Red-winged Blackbird 10
Common Grackle 4
Brown-headed Cowbird 1
Orchard Oriole 1
House Sparrow 3

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Cape May Point - Wednesday June 8th 2011

Location: Cape May Point SP
Observation date: 6/8/11
Number of species: 56

Canada Goose 85
Mute Swan 6
Gadwall 4
Mallard 5
Double-crested Cormorant 1
Great Egret 4
Snowy Egret 1
Glossy Ibis 4
Turkey Vulture 1
Osprey 2
Semipalmated Plover 5
Piping Plover 3
Killdeer 2
American Oystercatcher 6
Laughing Gull 25
Herring Gull (American) 2
Great Black-backed Gull 8
Least Tern 12
Forster's Tern 10
Black Skimmer 2
Rock Pigeon 8
Mourning Dove 4
Chimney Swift 2
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1
Northern Flicker 1
Eastern Wood-Pewee 2
Great Crested Flycatcher 4
Eastern Kingbird 3
White-eyed Vireo 2
Fish Crow 8
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 4
Purple Martin 45
Tree Swallow 3
Carolina Chickadee 1
Carolina Wren 3
House Wren 1
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1
American Robin 6
Gray Catbird 1
Northern Mockingbird 4
European Starling 2
Cedar Waxwing 8
Pine Warbler 1
American Redstart 1
Common Yellowthroat 3
Yellow-breasted Chat 2
Song Sparrow 2
Northern Cardinal 3
Blue Grosbeak 1
Indigo Bunting 2
Red-winged Blackbird 15
Common Grackle 10
Brown-headed Cowbird 8
Orchard Oriole 3
House Finch 6
House Sparrow 6

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South Cape May Meadows - Monday June 6th 2011

Location: South Cape May Meadows
Observation date: 6/6/11
Notes: CMBO Birding the Meadows -KL,WC,MH&NW,CB,+23.Clear,68°,WNW5. Good looks at the waders as well as the American Oystercatchers and Piping Plovers with chicks. Lots of nesting Least Terns and we did see a Fish Crow steal an egg as it was bombarded by the terns. Highlights were a brief glimse of a scurrying Virginia Rail and a preening Roseate Tern before it took off and left.

Number of species: 52
Canada Goose 35
Mute Swan 10
Gadwall 6
Mallard 25
Wilson's Storm-Petrel 2
Double-crested Cormorant 8
Great Egret 4
Snowy Egret 1
Green Heron 1
Glossy Ibis 7
Black Vulture 3
Turkey Vulture 15
Osprey 2
Virginia Rail 1
Piping Plover 4
Killdeer 4
American Oystercatcher 7
Semipalmated Sandpiper 8
Short-billed Dowitcher 1
Laughing Gull 25
Herring Gull 3
Great Black-backed Gull 15
Least Tern 75
Roseate Tern 1
Forster's Tern 10
Black Skimmer 4
Rock Pigeon 1
Mourning Dove 15
Yellow-billed Cuckoo 1 fly-by
Chimney Swift 3
Northern Flicker 2
Eastern Kingbird 3
American Crow 2
Fish Crow 10
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 3
Purple Martin 4
Tree Swallow 3
Barn Swallow 4
American Robin 6
Gray Catbird 2
Northern Mockingbird 1
European Starling 5
Common Yellowthroat 5
Northern Cardinal 3
Blue Grosbeak 1
Red-winged Blackbird 15
Common Grackle 25
Brown-headed Cowbird 1
Orchard Oriole 1 fly-by
House Finch 2
American Goldfinch 1
House Sparrow 5

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There's definitely some red coming on the young oystercatcher's bill now!

Fish Crow at The Meadows - public enemy number one at the moment...

Photo Walk - Saturday June 4th 2011

Today's walk was again greeted with delightful weather. All of our participants were, as they described it, "photo newbies". As a result, we spent more time than usual discussing the basics of digital photography and how to adapt to different situations such as shooting birds in flight (a male Purple Martin carrying part of a green leaf) and trying to create action sequences (a Piping Plover catching and eating a fly).  We again saw American Oystercatcher and Piping Plover with young, but the number of people on the beach encouraged the young to be more secretive, so we did not shoot them. However, one of the adult American Oystercatchers seemed intent to pose for our cameras.  All in all, it was another fine day in Cape May. - Mike Hanisian


Rea Farm - Saturday June 4th 2011

Location: The Beanery
Observation date: 6/4/11
Notes: CMBO Breeding Birds at the Rea Farm -KL,K&RH,WC,+8.Clr,65°,NW5.
Good flurry of raptors including one Broad-winged Hawk and four Mississippi Kites. Also got the "Blues Brothers" Indigo Bunting, Blue Grosbeak and Eastern Bluebird. Good views of a least four Yellow-billed Cuckoos.
Number of species: 49

Canada Goose 5
Mute Swan 2
Wood Duck 1
Mallard 5
Great Egret 1
Snowy Egret 1
Green Heron 2
Black-crowned Night-Heron 3
Glossy Ibis 6
Black Vulture 3
Turkey Vulture 8
Osprey 1
Mississippi Kite 4
Broad-winged Hawk 1
Red-tailed Hawk 2
Laughing Gull 5
Rock Pigeon 1
Mourning Dove 5
Yellow-billed Cuckoo 4
Chimney Swift 5
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1
Downy Woodpecker 1
Great Crested Flycatcher 4
Eastern Kingbird 5
Blue Jay 2 heard
American Crow 5
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 2
Purple Martin 4
Tree Swallow 3
Barn Swallow 5
Carolina Chickadee 4
Tufted Titmouse 1
Carolina Wren 1
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 2
Eastern Bluebird 1
American Robin 5
Gray Catbird 1
Northern Mockingbird 4
European Starling 5
Cedar Waxwing 10
Common Yellowthroat 4
Northern Cardinal 4
Blue Grosbeak 2
Indigo Bunting 6
Red-winged Blackbird 10
Common Grackle 10
Brown-headed Cowbird 8
American Goldfinch 1
House Sparrow 3

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Black-crowned Night Herons continue to lurk in the willows at the Rea Farm and occasionally pop out to look at our groups [Photo by Karl Lukens]

Indigo Buntings in fine breeding plumage are a feature of the Rea Farm during the heady days of summer [photo by Roger Horn].

Small Copper at the Rea Farm. Though often called American Copper over here, the population on the east coast of the USA was almost certainly introduced from Europe during colonial times. It more closely resembles European individuals than North American ones from further north and west and is primarily found in disturbed, artifical habitats, where its larvae feed on the introduced Sheep Sorrel (Rumex acetosella).

Sunset Birding at South Cape May Meadows - Friday June 3rd 2011

Location: South Cape May Meadows
Observation date: 6/3/11
Notes: CMBO Sunset Birding the Meadows-KL,K&RH,WC,+9.Clr,70°,NW10. Lots of terns, mostly Forster's bathing and hanging out in the meadows. Good looks at two American Oystercatchers with two chicks. Highlight was two Virginia Rails near the bridge on the main path.

Number of species: 45
Canada Goose 35
Mute Swan 10
Gadwall 2
Mallard 15
Great Egret 1
Snowy Egret 1
Green Heron 1
Glossy Ibis 15
Turkey Vulture 1
Virginia Rail 2
Semipalmated Plover 5
Piping Plover 2
Killdeer 4
American Oystercatcher 7 two chicks
Semipalmated Sandpiper 35
White-rumped Sandpiper 4
Short-billed Dowitcher 5
Laughing Gull 30
Herring Gull 4
Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 adult
Great Black-backed Gull 10
Least Tern 75
Common Tern 5
Forster's Tern 75
Black Skimmer 2
Rock Pigeon 2
Mourning Dove 6
Chimney Swift 6
Eastern Kingbird 2
Fish Crow 1
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 2
Purple Martin 10
Tree Swallow 3
Barn Swallow 10
Northern Mockingbird 3
European Starling 5
Cedar Waxwing 8
Common Yellowthroat 4
Northern Cardinal 2
Red-winged Blackbird 10
Common Grackle 10
Brown-headed Cowbird 5
Orchard Oriole 1
American Goldfinch 1
House Sparrow 2

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Birding by Kayak - Wednesday June 1st 2011

Our inaugural Birding by Kayak trip was great fun and certainly gave a different perpective to Cape May birding. A gentle glide up Cape Island Creek and back with the cooling effect of the water proved a fun way to spend a couple of hours up close and personal with the birds.

Location:     Cape Island Creek Proper
Observation date:     6/1/11
Notes:     Kayaking up Cape Island Creek, the tide was high and just beginning to fall.  Hazy sky, light wind with temperatures in the 80s
Number of species:     24

Canada Goose     18
Mallard     4
Double-crested Cormorant     1
Great Egret     1
Glossy Ibis     2
Turkey Vulture     1
Osprey     10
Clapper Rail     4
Willet (Eastern)     6
Laughing Gull     18
Herring Gull     4
Great Black-backed Gull     2
Least Tern     2
Forster's Tern     18
Rock Pigeon     4
Mourning Dove     2
Fish Crow     6
Tree Swallow     2
Barn Swallow     4
Northern Mockingbird     1
European Starling     20
Red-winged Blackbird     12
Boat-tailed Grackle     13
House Sparrow     4

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Cape May Point State Park - Wednesday June 1st 2011

A quiet, summery walk, with great looks at Cedar Waxwings, territorial House Wrens and a 'skim-by' from two Black Skimmers.
Location: Cape Island--CMP (Cape May Point)
Observation date: 6/1/11
Number of species: 46

Canada Goose 85
Mute Swan 8
Gadwall 4
Mallard 8
Great Egret 5
Green Heron 1
Glossy Ibis 2
Osprey 1
Killdeer 2
American Oystercatcher 5
Semipalmated Sandpiper 3
Short-billed Dowitcher 7
Laughing Gull 20
Herring Gull (American) 4
Great Black-backed Gull 30
Least Tern 20
Forster's Tern 15
Black Skimmer 2
Rock Pigeon 4
Chimney Swift 2
Great Crested Flycatcher 1
Eastern Kingbird 2
Blue Jay 1
Fish Crow 8
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 4
Purple Martin 45
Tree Swallow 4
Barn Swallow 2
Carolina Chickadee 2
Carolina Wren 4
House Wren 4
American Robin 6
Gray Catbird 2
Northern Mockingbird 1
European Starling 4
Cedar Waxwing 15
Common Yellowthroat 4
Yellow-breasted Chat 1
Song Sparrow 3
Northern Cardinal 6
Indigo Bunting 2
Red-winged Blackbird 15
Common Grackle 12
Brown-headed Cowbird 8
Orchard Oriole 2
House Sparrow 6

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E-Z Birding - Tuesday May 31st 2011

Location: Cape May Point SP
Observation date: 5/31/11
Notes: CMBO Trip-EZBirding-KWC,KL,+3.Clr,78°,NE5. Easy birding but still 46 species with the highlight being a kettle of vultures, Broadwings, a Red-shoulder and three Mississippi Kites.

Number of species: 46
Canada Goose 5
Mute Swan 8
Mallard 5
Double-crested Cormorant 10
Great Egret 3
Glossy Ibis 2
Black Vulture 3
Turkey Vulture 15
Osprey 4
Mississippi Kite 3
Cooper's Hawk 1
Red-shouldered Hawk 2
Broad-winged Hawk 15
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Killdeer 2
American Oystercatcher 5
Laughing Gull 15
Herring Gull 5
Great Black-backed Gull 15
Forster's Tern 20
Rock Pigeon 1
Mourning Dove 5
Great Crested Flycatcher 2
Eastern Kingbird 1
White-eyed Vireo 1
American Crow 1
Fish Crow 5
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 2
Purple Martin 40
Tree Swallow 3
Barn Swallow 10
Carolina Wren 3
American Robin 2
Gray Catbird 2
Northern Mockingbird 1
European Starling 5
Cedar Waxwing 3
Common Yellowthroat 1
Song Sparrow 1
Northern Cardinal 5
Red-winged Blackbird 10
Common Grackle 5
Brown-headed Cowbird 2
House Finch 1
American Goldfinch 1
House Sparrow 1

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